Imagine the scenario: Mr X is a young man who has cultivated the act of giving right since his years as a toddler. He never gives expecting another in return from anyone, he does with a clean and sincere heart and never looks at the status of his targeted recipient ~ he simply does not care whether they are poor, rich, or in the middle class. In fact, he would share whatever he had with anyone in need. Another incredible character inculcated by Mr X is that he let go freely and move on swiftly when such need arise. Since those years as a toddler up till the adolescence, a lot of people from the outside – and even the family members of Mr. X – would say he is a “fool” for caring and thinking about others at his expense but he never listened. Mr X himself does not really know about the benefits in giving until his late teenage years, he just give to anyone in need without expecting anything in return. One day, this young man noticed whenever he gives or have it in mind and promise to, he gets double and even triple. In fact on a certain day, Mr X noticed he prepared his mind to give “one”, without expecting to benefit from it and minutes later, he got “five”. He later gave that “one” without hesitation.
The fantastic thing about giving is that, whenever you give, either to the poor, rich, or the middle-class, “nature” will always return what you give in “folds”. It does not necessarily matter whether you expect another thing in return or not, just give! Anywhere you are: at the “inside” or “outside”, at home or abroad, just give! In any situation you find yourself, whether you have little or you do not, whether you owe or you have excess, whether you are employed or not, whether “you don get alert or you never get alert”, just give! Do not look at the class or the direction your giving have to go to, everyone always need one thing or the other at a particular time in their lives, even the rich are running around every day, making the necessary sacrifice in order to get their riches increased. Give in any form possible, whether in cash, material, or tithe, i know there is a heated debate on whether paying tithe is right or wrong, it does not matter whether it is or not since it is about giving, but it is advisable to concentrate on giving to the poor instead of churches that have established themselves in almost all areas of life, it is not stated in any verse of the Bible that non-tithers will not make it to paradise, in fact if the Biblical books written by Paul are carefully studied, what he emphasized on is "charity giving" and not tithing.
What do you get in return when you give? You receive even from angles you do not expect from, you become free and sincere at heart and become stable emotionally. It is true some gets without giving but if they did give, they would have more than they do.
Bear it in mind  “giving is the golden step to receiving”, “cultivate the habit of giving today and your life will never remain the same” just like like Mr X. Give, Give, Give! And you shall receive, receive and receive from anywhere possible because “givers can never lack, they would always have in stash”.

Kolade Chris,
One of you.


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