I say thanks to all those who have so far endeavoured to visit this blog and read the articles. I will come up with mind blowing and interesting articles when I am less busy. THANK YOU! MERCI!
In every family and regardless of their background, a large percentage of a child's future is highly dependent on the knowledge, wisdom and moral values instilled on the child while growing up. A childs choice of career should be self-decided but can only be guided and supported by parents provided it is ethical and of positive moral values. Recent advances in Nigeria has shown that parents are the pivot for decision making as to a childs career. It is no stale knowledge that every Nigerian parents wants their ward to pursue a career in professional fields such as Medicine, Law, Engineering, Architecture just to mention a few without considering the childs innate ability that are either talents or gift. Some parents/guardian wants their ward to pursue a particular career in order to succeed the position they occupy. They believe that maximum respect is accorded to those who practice the aforementioned careers, thereby making them occupy a niche at the helms of affairs in the soci...