I remember when i got home during a vacation months ago, i didn't like the condition of the compound so i started complaining—almost ranting like a toddler displaying tantrum. I continued complaining for days until my mum asked: what have you done to improve the condition of the compound since the last two days? Why can't you yourself get some things done? Immediately a "lag" came into me and when it was time to sleep at night i couldn't do so on time—i was reflecting on those two questions i was asked. Next morning i started doing a lot to get things back to the conditions they were. Those two questions are apllicable to all the commoners in Nigeria. You all complain about the situation of the country but what are the actions you are taking to make things right? Government alone can't make Nigeria a better place; in fact, the commoners can do better because they're better preponderantly. You as a commoner can start doing somethings to make things righ...